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Affiliate Marketing Using Niche Websites, Keywords, and SEO

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1


Welcome to Online Business Breakthrough. If you’ve been thinking of getting into CPA or affiliate marketing, and you’ve wanted to know how to build your own website, this is going to teach you how. Also, if you have wondered about SEO in the past and how it works, I’m going to give you an overview of that as well. Thank you for being here and I’m glad to have you. I hope you learn something through this course and I look forward to your feedback.

This is the foundation you will need to build any site and take it to whatever level you desire. From your website, you can later implement other forms of traffic such as Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Google Adwords, etc. This is your home base. Your goal is to fill it up with great content, and then get visitors to it. Once you have it set up and monetized, it can generate commissions on its own.

Remember people often say that knowledge is power. That’s not true. Knowledge is only potential power. It only becomes power when their is action applied. This is the knowledge. You have to take the action.

Below is a PDF version of this course that you can download.

To your success,


Section 2: Step 1: Product/Niche Selection

Lecture 2


Before choosing a niche or category of website you want to build, it’s best to make sure there’s a market and people are looking for keywords related to your niche or products you plan on promoting. The possibilities are endless but can range from anything like “dog training” to “learn how to play piano”. You should keep in mind, however, that the more broad a keyword is, the more competitive and difficult it will be to get your site on the first page of Google and get organic visitors.

Also, before making a final decision on the type of website you want to build, it helps if you have experience or knowledge in that area before hand. This is definitely not required but if you’re going to be the one writing the content then it would be that much more enjoyable if you were interested in what you were writing about. If you don’t already have the knowledge you can either research and learn it, or outsource it to someone else and I’ll show you how to do the later.

Section 3: Step 2: Choosing the Right Domain

Lecture 3


Many people would start with a domain and if you already have a brand or company than that’s fine. It would be wise to get a branded domain for your company so you can establish your online presence. If you don’t have a company or business which most people trying to make money affiliate marketing don’t, the good news is you can think of your own.

You have two options:

  • You can make up your own brand for your website domain.

  • If you know you have no plans to completely build out your site over an extended period of time, you can get a domain that may have your keywords from your niche in there. Maybe something like “” if you’re wanting to target keywords and promote offers in the “peanut butter” niche.

Section 4: Step 3: Getting Hosted and Installing WordPress

Lecture 4


So you know what niche you want to go in and you already found some offers to promote and you have your domain picked out. Now you have to get hosted so people can visit your website.

Think of your domain name as the address of your home and think of your hosting as of the things in your home. You need hosting to have the ability to store all of the posts, pages, content, widgets, images, videos, ads, and anything else you place on your website. I’ll show you how to get hosted and log in to your cpanel so you can add your domain. After you point your DNS settings from your domain registrar, you’ll need to install WordPress.

Every website needs a CMS or content management system. This allows you to move things around, edit content, make changes, create posts, and more. WordPress is one of the most popular due to its simplicity for even those not experienced in web design. I’m going to show you how to install WordPress and which plug ins you’re going to need.

Section 5: Step 4: Keyword Research, Content, and Monetization

Lecture 5


Before you start writing content it helps to know what you’re audience is looking for. Using Google Keyword Planner, we can see the monthly search volumes and estimate how much traffic a keyword can produce. Find a good long tail keyword with little competition is the goal.

Lecture 6


You’re going to need content plain and simple. You’ll need content for Google to crawl. You’ll need content for people to read and share. There’s no way around it. If you don’t want to write it that’s ok. You’ll see where you can go and outsource your articles so you don’t have to write them.

Lecture 7


After you have your content you’re going to want to monetize it so you can make a commission. You can do this by linking an image to your offer, or by using a contextual hyper link in the text. You’ll learn how to do both in this video.

Lecture 8


You’re going to want to build your site our so it looks legit. You want people to see your site as an authority and trust what you have to say. That comes down to presentation and content. Both of those require you to build out your site so in this video you’re going to learn how to create multiple pages, use categories for posts, and add widgets in the sidebar.

Section 6: Step 5: Auto responder and Landing Page

Lecture 9


It’s a well known fact that most people don’t buy on their first encounter with an ad or product. However, what if you had a way to follow up with that person later? That’s where your list comes in. By having a list of subscribers, it gives you the ability to make commissions just by sending out an email. To do that, you’re going to need an autoresponder.

In this video, you’ll learn how to sign up for an autoresponder and integrate it into your website so you can capture emails and start building a list.

Lecture 10


You can capture people’s email by using a web form on your website, or by having a landing or “squeeze” page set up. When someone clicks on a link, it takes them to a page that usually offers something an exchange for an email. I’ll show you how you can quickly create a landing page ready for visitors.

Section 7: Step 6: Traffic – SEO Overview (search engines give us free traffic)

Lecture 11


I love SEO and since it means you can get free traffic, that’s even better. The reality is that if you don’t have money to waste testing different traffic sources then you can never really get traffic. To “drive” traffic to a website or page requires money to spend on advertising. Since most aspiring affiliate marketers are trying to make some extra money online, they probably don’t have thousands of dollars to spare. That’s why I’m showing you SEO. When you know SEO you’re unstoppable and have an overwhelming advantage over the competition.

Lecture 12


This video continues into SEO or search engine optimization. Another beautiful thing about SEO compared to traditional advertising is that when you start ranking pages in the search engines and getting traffic, you continue to get that traffic every month as long as your page stays there. Then you can focus on finding more keywords and creating more content to bring more visitors.

Section 8: Step 7: Communication and Follow Up

Lecture 13


So the hard part is done. Well it wasn’t really that hard was it? When it’s broken down into steps anything can be easily learned. The final video in this course is about following up and communicating with your list of subscribers. Remember, some people didn’t opt in for your CPA offer or buy your digital product you are promoting, so luckily if they subscribed to your list, you can follow up with them later and possibly make a sale then. In addition, you can always promote more offers to your list whenever you want. Don’t do it too much though. In this video I’ll explain a couple tips to help you keep subscribers on your list a little longer by communicating and delivering value.

Affiliate Marketing Using Niche Websites, Keywords, and SEO

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