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Online Marketing Tool to be Launched for EU Farmers – 

A new online marketing tool called “Farm Inc” is to be launched shortly to help farmers to better market and brand their products independently and thereby face global competitions in a better manner.

The project is supported and co-funded by the European Union (EU) and was carried out by seven partner institutions, including universities, agricultural associations, VET providers and consulting firms from five EU countries of Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Latvia. Copa-Cogeca, the federation of European farmers unions and agri cooperatives, Italian Coldiretti and Latvian Farmers Parliament have been involved in promoting the product.

They showcased during a series of roundtable discussions and info days across Europe, in Belgium, Greece, Italy and Latvia in September. About 304 stakeholders, including farmers, representatives of farmer associations, agricultural entrepreneurs, VET trainers and policy makers, participated in 21 pilot events in the targeted countries. While 46% of the participants rated the material as “excellent”, 47% rated as “very good” and 100% said they would recommend this course to others.

The project involves a customized training tool and  an interactive e-book, which contains basic marketing principles for the agricultural sector as well as practical experiences (case studies, field visits etc). The book is divided into six modules – What is marketing?, A good marketing plan, Farmers markets, Quality, The strength of a Rural Brand, Selling Abroad – and primarily focuses on marketing, branding and internationalisation of agricultural products.

“There is a great potential for regional and local products in the market, but, there is a lack of marketing strategies to enable European agricultural entrepreneurs to compete with the international network and structures of multinational companies,” said the Secretary-General of Copa-Cogeca.

Online Marketing Tool to be Launched for EU Farmers

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