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Cross-device trend 'disrupts online' marketing industry, says Facebook exec

Amit Chaubey, head of marketing science for Southeast Asia at Facebook, told a seminar of consumer insights hosted by Nation Broadcasting Corporation yesterday that more than 23 million people in Thailand accessed Facebook via their mobile devices every day. Facebook’s monthly usage has been shifting towards mobile.

This phenomenon means prime time is all the time.

Multi-screening is the new normal. Time spent per day simultaneously watching TV and using a second device in Thailand is 56 minutes on a smartphone, 45 minutes on a laptop, and 40 minutes on a tablet.

Mobile creates unique challenges for marketers because it is app-driven.

Also, there is phenomenon called FOBO, the “fear of being offline”, as people feel that being disconnected is to be left out.

Another trend is “personalisation to scale”, Chaubey said.

He said cookie-based and click-based marketing did not work any more. People-based marketing is the new standard.

“Marketing is a science that can be measured,” he said.

Last but not least, real business-outcome measurement is winning over “mumbo jumbo”, Chaubey said. Currently, the path to purchase is complex. Thus click attribution may only capture a fraction of true life. The customer journey is cross-device, between mobile phone and computer, and click-based measurement misses cross-device conversion paths.

Mobile applications are taking centre stage. Currently, around 80 per cent of the time spent on mobile is spent in apps.

Click-based measurement obscures the truth, so marketers should measure the impact of their media with experimental life tests, Chaubey said.

Facebook is a powerful platform for online marketing that can help businesses take advantage of the trends of online marketing disruption, he concluded.

Cross-device trend "disrupts online" marketing industry, says Facebook exec

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