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Chamber Offering Marketing Seminar - The Missourian: Pacific - Washington Missourian

Some marketing experts say businesses can attract more customers by mastering a few straight forward techniques.

The Pacific Area Chamber of Commerce will host a four-hour Email Marketing Seminar Thursday, Aug. 20, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pacific Opera House, second floor, Mercantile Room.

The seminar will be conducted by Response Targeted Marketing, St. Louis. The online marketing firm says emails can be used to promote sales, events and share useful content with users.

Instructors will explain the email marketing system Constant Contact, which enables businesses to manage email addresses, lists and improve overall delivery rates. They also offer some tips to keep emails from being forwarded to Spam mail.

The cost is $20 per person.

Interested parties are urged to contact the Chamber office at 636-271-6639 or

Chamber Offering Marketing Seminar - The Missourian: Pacific - Washington Missourian

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