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Facebook Inc Says Rainbow Filter Was Not A Marketing Or Data Gathering Stunt

Facebook Inc.’s (NASDAQ:FB) recent move, to allow users to apply a rainbow filter on their profile pictures, has garnered sharp criticism. The new option followed the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriages in the US, and was aimed to show solidarity with the movement.

The social media giant clarified that the new filter has been adopted to show support for the Supreme Court’s decision, and is not an advertising stunt, or a way to gather key information about its users.

In an official media statement, a Facebook spokesperson claimed that the tool was “something that enables people to show their support of the LGBTQ community on Facebook.”

The “celebrate pride” tool was launched by two company interns before the New York pride parade. It caught on like wild fire once the new profile picture color scheme was adopted by the White House. The White House changed its Facebook page’s profile picture to depict President Obama’s support for the latest constitutional law.

In a Facebook post, President Obama claimed: “Today is a big step in our march toward equality. Gay and lesbian couples now have the right to marry, just like anyone else.”

The rainbow filter gained immense popularity on the social networking site, and was immediately adopted by numerous Facebook users and popular celebrities, including Leonardo DiCaprio and Anne Hathaway.

Facebook also received criticism for using the new profile picture filter trend as a tool to gather information, and user details, to boost advertising on the platform.

According to Mashable’s reports, Facebook claimed: “We aren’t going to use this as a way to target ads and the point of this tool is not to get information about people.”

The company clarified that contradictory to accusations made by MIT scientist Cesar Hidalgo, who claimed that the filter’s introduction had been more of an “experiment,” compared to just a social cause, its motives had nothing to do with advertising.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote: “I’m so happy for all of my friends and everyone in our community who can finally celebrate their love and be recognized as equal couples under the law.”

Almost 26 million Facebook users changed their profile picture to celebrate the same-sex marriage ruling.

Facebook Inc Says Rainbow Filter Was Not A Marketing Or Data Gathering Stunt

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