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5 Simple Earth Day Tips for Making Greener Marketing Decisions


Going green is more than just a fad; it’s a big issue that a lot of people care about. In honor of Earth Day, here are some simple tips to help you incorporate environmentally responsible practices in your marketing initiatives.

Think Green, Even for Digital

Marketing is very digital these days which is great news for the environment. However, there are still ways to promote green practices in your digital marketing efforts. For example, when sending an email campaign, adding a line in the footer drawing attention to needless printing can make an impact. The commonly used phrase, “Please consider the environment prior to printing this e-mail,” is a simple way to encourage greener thinking and save some trees while also showing your customers you care.

Lead by Example

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According to a study from, “a vast majority (89%) of the nation is willing to purchase at least one kind of product that has a positive impact on the environment.” If you have any green initiatives at your company, promote those to help your brand lead by example. Alternatively, if you’re looking for ways to create green initiatives, a great place to start is by ordering supplies from a local business vendor to reduce carbon emissions. Little things each of us do can collectively have a big impact.

Pick Eco-Friendly Giveaways

When choosing promotional products, select giveaways that support waste reduction. For example, instead of giving away bottled water with your company logo on it, choose a reusable mug or thermos. Instead of handing out traditional phone chargers, hand out solar-powered phone chargers. There are numerous eco-friendly choices.

Green Up at Events

Events and trade shows can be major culprits of paper waste. Simple things like creating online press kits instead of handing out paper marketing collateral could save wasted time, money and paper.

Green Trade Shows Infographic

Click to view the full infographic

Use Recycled Paper

Sometimes printing paper is unavoidable. For those times where you have to print, use recycled paper and print on both sides.

This Earth Day, think about how your everyday choices as a marketer can help make a positive impact on our planet.

5 Simple Earth Day Tips for Making Greener Marketing Decisions

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