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StreamSend Shares 8 Steps to Build Sales with Growing Success of Video Email Marketing

New Email Marketing Automation & Integration Guide Outlines Full Process

Sacramento, California (PRWEB) August 31, 2015

StreamSend, the email marketing service provider, shares advice and a free white paper to help businesses use video to build customer relations and sales with their email marketing strategy. Video Email Marketing is an important part of StreamSend’s Email Marketing Automation & Integration Guide, which teaches integration and automation tactics that lift conversions and boost ROI.

“Video Email Marketing offers a return 280% higher than traditional direct mail.”
-Gartner Research

“In today’s cluttered digital landscape, it’s extremely difficult to capture the consumer’s attention,” said Dan Forootan, president of StreamSend Email Marketing. “Incorporating video into email marketing is one of the most potent ways to increase email engagement, breaking through that clutter and demanding attention. Here are some tips for getting started.”

1.    Video Length:
Shorter is better. Keep videos under 60 seconds.

2.    Content:
Make sure videos resonate with your audience and is relevant to your product or service.

3.    Format:
Use a format that supports both web and mobile video. Smartphones and tablets are too common to ignore. Video should play in both HTML5 and Flash.

4.    Email Design:
Design emails so that video is the primary focus and is positioned above the fold — up to 400 pixels wide. The message should concisely state “what’s in it for them” and why they should watch the segment.

5.    Lead Generation:
Consider adding a URL to the video to create immediate engagement and take viewers to the landing page. Or add a form right on to the video which viewers can use to subscribe directly to the mailing list.

6.    Subject Line:
Subject line copy should include the word “video” and tie into the segment’s subject matter.

7.    Landing Page:
Design a landing page to create continuity. Keep the audience close; don’t send them to YouTube.

8.    Tracking:
Be sure to track open rates, play rates, shares, etc., and compare them to traditional email campaigns.

Find out how to put video and all of the power of email marketing to work for your business, read StreamSend’s Agency Email Marketing Guide at

StreamSend offers an easy-to-use, affordable and reliable email marketing service designed to help businesses maximize the reach of their marketing budget when sending an email newsletter or using Social Media. StreamSend offers a number of industry-leading standard pricing plans, private-label and affiliate programs and hands-on personal client service. Started in 1998, StreamSend is a leader in Email Marketing.

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StreamSend Shares 8 Steps to Build Sales with Growing Success of Video Email Marketing

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