Green App Machine

Supercharge Your Email List Today


Email marketing has been declared dead more times than Dumbledore’s pet phoenix, but – in our opinion – it remains an incredibly potent marketing weapon.

It creates a direct line of communication to an opted-in audience, giving you the power to nurture and close all those leads you’ve generated with your awesome content marketing efforts.

Now, sure, quality comes before quantity, but when it comes to your email list, size often does matter.

So how do you supercharge your email list, filling it with accurate data, and ultimately, warm leads?

Our account manager and all-round sales superhero Sarah is here to give you ten top tips. Enjoy…and let us know if we missed anything!

Full Transcript

Is your email list looking a bit bare? Well, worry no more. I’m Sarah – an account manager here at Wyzowl – and I’m going to give you 10 ways to supercharge your email list, right now!

1. Ask for their email

If you don’t ask you don’t get, right? Don’t lose out on leads because you were too polite to ask.

Add sign up buttons on your social pages, your home page, your email signatures and your blog posts – basically anywhere that your customers are!

As a minimum, I’d recommend a sidebar email capture form, or a pop up form that shows based on user behaviour – for example, reading half of an article.

2. Make what you’re offering easy and clear

When it comes to your sign up box, do you really need to know their company, phone number, salary…their cat’s name? Make sure that the signup box is painless, and easy to fill out. An email address and name is all that’s needed.  And it’s equally important to let them know what’s in it for them. So a quick summary explaining why they should sign up, will also help to boost your email list.

3. Create remarkable content

One of the best ways to build your list is to create remarkable content like: ebooks, infographics, video and blog posts.As long as the content is tailored to your audience, you’ll encourage loads more subscribers.

4. Get them to share it for you

When you fire out your valuable content, make sure to give people the option to share on social or email to a friend.

That way they can spread the word about how awesome you are to their followers.

5. Give something away

Who doesn’t love a freebie?!By running a contest you can encourage people to sign up to enter – that’s a win for you, and maybe a win for them!

6. Implement social sign-in

Social sign in is a great way to gain an email address. It just makes life easier for everyone involved.

7. Create free tools and resources

Your audience are on the lookout for something that’ll solve their problems…Well, another awesome idea is to provide a solution to those problems, in the form of an online course or a valuable resource. You can then set up a landing page and get them to enter their email address before downloading it!

8. Partner Up

A great idea is to run a promotion with a partner within your niche. That way you can reach a wider audience.

9. Network

This might sound old school but networking events can definitely help you build up more contacts. Take your business card, your stellar personality and get building those relationships!

10. Advertise

Our final tip is to put a little budget into advertising and lead people to your awesome content with your shiny subscribe button. Thanks for watching! Now get outta here and go and supercharge that database of yours!


Supercharge Your Email List Today

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