When you start your own business there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done. Making your life a little easier by using the awesome marketing software we have available to us makes perfect sense. Read on for some innovative ideas that businesses have used to ramp up their marketing efforts and lets learn from what they have done to become the successes they are today…
Our friends at Pardot marketing automation shared some great insights into how their customers have used their software to great effect:
Using Pardot’s intuitive, efficient, and consistent email functionality, Jet Reports successfully rolled out two new product launches. Web traffic increased by 107%, unique visitors to the site increased by 115%, and the average time spent on the website per visit increased by 35% in Jet Report’s first year using Pardot.
With Pardot, Demand Metric was able to launch online campaigns and begin qualifying leads so the sales team could better allocate their time. Using forms and special offers, Demand Metric began converting visitors to leads, reducing the average number of calls to make a sale from 328 to 70. Now, 1 in 3 demos results in a sale, as opposed to 1 in 12.
Nurturing leads and building your network is crucial, but also time-consuming. By using marketing automation software, whether it is the full marketing suite, or one aspect of it such as email marketing, you can get the ball rolling and let the technology do the hard work for you. You can’t possibly be in all places at once so scheduling and multiple network marketing, all from one great platform is definitely the way to go.
Users of Hatchbuck, the sales and marketing software platform, had this to say about using this tool:
“As a non-profit, our greatest problem was getting the word out. We had so many great ways to allow companies and the greater community to get involved and I felt like we were missing a huge opportunity because we didn’t have the right sales and marketing tools in place. Using Hatchbuck has been a lifesaver. It has really helped us to centralize everything into one place and enabled us to increase our awareness and stay out in front of people.”
Craig Jung, Executive Director of St Louis Green.
Pinpointe email marketing software, shared one of their customer’s success stories with us:
“TROY Group had already started using an email marketing program, but wasn’t satisfied with the features, delivery rates or customer feedback. With the help of Pinpointe, TROY Group can now create, send and track their email campaigns and have a guaranteed delivery rate.”
We would love to hear how you have used to marketing and email marketing software to start your own business, tell us your stories! You can also take a look at more great marketing apps on our GetApp marketplace and read about Marketing Automation Software to Rock your World on our GetApp blog for more fabulous alternatives.
Great Ways to Use Marketing Automation to Help You Start Your Own Business
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