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5-Minute Email Tips: Sending Segmented Emails

Creating content, such as emails, is a great way to connect with a mass audience.

But there’s a lot more to it than simply writing an email and hitting send.

While you may have a dozen, hundreds or even thousands of subscribers, it’s important to remember that among that list exists a variety of individuals with different needs, motivations and experiences.

As a result, this means that, sadly, not every piece of content you create will be a perfect fit for everyone.

So how can you nurture your diverse audience with content that’s relevant to every individual?

By creating segmented emails.

Why You Should Send Segmented Emails

Segmented emails are messages you send to specific subscribers in your list. They can be based on where they are in the customer journey, demographics and more. Doing so gives you the chance to send specific content that is relevant to that unique group, encouraging them to take a certain action.

Here’s an example of a scenario of when you might use a segmented email:

Let’s say you owned a bakery, and you send out an email to your entire list with a link to an updated dessert menu. Instead of just letting the one email do all the work, you might want to send an email with a coupon off their purchase to those who clicked the link. This way, you’re making a strategic effort to influence those who have already expressed interest in your product.

Creating messages that meet the specific needs of your customers can be super powerful when providing a killer customer experience.

Ideas for Segments You Can Create Today

So what are some segments you can create for your list?

Almost anything, really. But it depends on the subscriber information you asked for in your sign up form and the data provided in your email analytics (city, opens, email provider, etc.).

Here at AWeber, we use segmenting in a number of scenarios. Here’s an example of a segmented email we sent to our subscribers who opened but didn’t click the call-to-action link to register for a webinar:

Email Example

But the possibilities for sending segments goes beyond sending reminder emails for webinars.

Here are some other ideas for segments you can start sending today:


Sending emails based on where your subscribers live can come in handy in a lot of situations.

If you own multiple stores in different locations, for example, you might want to send emails to subscribers who live closest to each location. You can send things like exclusive shop offers, upcoming events and even advice or news from local employees.

You can also send tailored emails that speak to events that might be going on locally, different seasons, holidays and more.

If you have customers from countries all around the world, that’s a good indicator of what language they speak, so you might want to send emails in their native languages, too.

Want to start sending emails based on geography?

There are two ways of discovering where your subscribers are located.

One way is by asking your subscribers where in your sign up form. Simply add a custom field that asks for information, such as city and state. This way, every time you get a new subscriber, you’ll also get their location.

If you’re an AWeber customer, you also can find your subscribers’ general location (city, state, country) in the Reports section of your account.


Sending emails based on subscriber behavior is a great way to assist each of your customers throughout the buyer journey. Why? Because those who clicked a link in an email might want to receive further information on that topic.

Let’s go back to the bakery example. Say you send out an email with a link to a recipe for apple turnovers. You might want to send an email with additional apple-related treats sold at your store (and maybe a coupon!) to a segment of your subscribers who clicked the link.

Pro Tip: If you find that a number of subscribers aren’t clicking on any of your content, it might be time to ask what kind of content interests them.

Custom Fields

Want to learn more about your unique customers that you just can’t find in any report list?

Consider adding a couple of custom fields to your sign up form to discover your audience’s interests. When you do, you’ll get more information that can help you create more relevant content for your subscribers.

Instead of just assuming what kind of delectable desserts your subscribers will love, for example, why not ask them for their favorite dessert when they’re signing up to your email list?

With that information, it’ll be easier to create content for your diverse audience and send broadcasts to groups of individuals with similar interests. Cookie of the Week emails, anyone?

Pro Tip: Tap into your subscribers’ interests by offering exclusive content just for them!

Open Rates

Not every email you send will have an open rate of 100 percent. And that’s okay.

But that doesn’t mean you have to sit back and let the numbers remain as they are. To encourage more engagement with your subscribers, consider sending an email to the segment of subscribers who did not open your first message – and be sure to tweak the subject line!

Pro Tip: Split test the subject lines of your emails to see which gets the most opens. Do your subscribers prefer shorter or longer subject lines? Do they love emojis? Test different variables to find out!

If you find that you have many inactive subscribers (those who haven’t opened an email or clicked a link in a long time), you might want to run a reactivation campaign.

Segment All the Emails!

Okay, so you don’t have to necessarily segment every single email you send to customers. But you should start looking into ways you can include it as part of your email marketing strategy.

Are you using segmenting in any of your emails? Tell us in the comments!

5-Minute Email Tips: Sending Segmented Emails

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