Its every Internet marketers dream of becoming what is classed in the industry as a Super Affiliate. To be classed as one, you need to have an enormous downline the size of Texas. I just thought I’d use that for illustration purposes because you do need quite a large base of affiliates underneath you.
For those of you that have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, let me explain. An affiliate is someone that sells or promotes another persons website or product and ge…
This article from The Online Master is about:
Its every Internet marketers dream of becoming what is classed in the industry as a Super Affiliate. To be classed as one, you need to have an enormous downline the size of Texas. I just thought I’d use that for illustration purposes because you do need quite a large base of affiliates underneath you.
For those of you that have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, let me explain. An affiliate is someone that sells or promotes another persons website or product and gets paid a commission for every sale he or she makes. Not only that but for every person that signs up underneath them in the affiliate program, they also get a percentage of whatever the next person makes and so on and so forth right down to lets just say 10 levels deep. What that means is if I sign 2 people up and they each get 2 people that means by the tenth level I will have 1024 people in my downline. Quite powerful stuff isn’t it. So to become a Super Affiliate you need to be good at one thing, Internet Marketing. Now for those of you who are new to this game Internet Marketing is BIG business and I mean BIG. HUGE money. Billions are spent each year on this subject and believe me when i tell you, you can make an absolute fortune doing it.
Internet Marketing?? Thats for people who know what they’re doing right? I’m just a regular Joe who has no idea about any of this stuff. How can I manage to profit from this lucrative industry??
That my friend is where I come in. Part of becoming a Super Affiliate is to create a downline. Not just any downline, we want a good solid base of people who have the same idea as you, and thats to make money and lots of it. In order to accomplish this, you need to to train the people underneath you to do exactly the same thing as you, using exactly the same methods as you. If you can imagine for a minute you have a base of 100 people. Now those 100 people you have are going to use the exact same methods you used to get your initial 100 people. Can I ask you a question?? What is 100 x 100?? Thats right 10000. I think I’ll just say that again shall I, TEN THOUSAND. Just let that sink in for a minute. We haven’t even gotten down to the 3rd 4th or 5th levels yet. You can imagine how big your downline will get using this method.
Now all this is in a perfect world and everything is good in theory, but in real life things never pan out this way. You’ll get people that will sign up then never do anything lose interest and quit. This my friend is something we can’t control. A lot of people that join up to affiliate programs quit because they realize there’s more to it than they first thought, lose interest or after all there efforts aren’t making any money so they quit. To combat this you need to have an established system in place that walks your new affiliates through each step of your program and answers every question they might have. Remember you are the Master here, and you have students that are eager to learn the ways of an Experienced Internet Marketer.
By now your probably thinking, you’ve lost me. Now I won’t lie to you, there are some things you will need to sign up for and they do cost money but as we all know you need to spend money to make money. This system once set up funds itself and puts money in your back pocket from day one. You can set this system up on auto pilot and it will continuously pay you each and every month. This isn’t some pie in the sky operation, this is a proven system that will take average people and turn them into millionaires. The stuff you will learn will make you a fortune. All you need to do from here is listen to the audio message on the site and really pay attention to what they’re saying. These guys are the reason I’m in the position I’m in now.
To Your Success!!!
Become A Super Affiliate
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